Stuff I Think Is Cool

The general idea behind a writer/author’s website is to promote their work, because, after all, I want you to read my stuff. But this is a littleĀ space where I can show you the stuff that I think is really cool. If you wanna talk about any of it, feel free to send me a note on the contact page here.


One of the biggest influences on my writing career has been Jack Whyte. I first met Jack at the Surrey International Writer’s Conference in 2007, and I wrote a blog post about the experience (you can find it here).

My friend, Michael R Fletcher, is a fantastic writer who put out his well-received Beyond Redemption earlier this year. His world is dark, and a little heavy, but compelling nonetheless.

CC Humphreys is a historical fiction author who started out as an actor and swordsman. I’ve read and loved all his books, but his story, A Place Called Armageddon, spoke to me especially. His book, Plague, won the Arthur Ellis award for best novel. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting him at the Surrey International Writer’s Conference, and he is a gracious human being who is infinitely generous with his time.

Surrey International Writer’s Conference

When I first started writing, I didn’t have a clue (some might argue that I still don’t, but it’s a work in progress). This conference, and the people in it, gave me a clue. If you want to write, or you’re currently writing but need some help, a boost, or a little motivation, this is the place to get it.



I’m a big lover of tattoos, and I’m currently working on my collection. When I’ve gotten work done in the last couple of years I’ve seen Hot Rod Tawd at Lady Luck Tattoo.